Shipping costs can add up quickly for small businesses. Learn how to save money with a few key shipping tips from Multi Storage.
The Importance of a Storage Container
Storage containers are a great way to keep personal possessions dry, safe and readily available. But they’re also extremely useful for small businesses. A major part of any company’s expenses come from the delivery and storage of its merchandise and having access to a storage unit can help ease both of these concerns.
In particular, if your business operates out of your home or a smaller space, getting merchandise delivered there may not be feasible. A storage unit at Multi Storage allows you to have a bigger physical space to have your products delivered, and deliveries can even be accepted on your behalf during office hours at no extra cost.
Shipping Tips to Help Your Business
Business shipping doesn’t need to be a stressful process. Here are some key shipping tips to help keep your business operating efficiently:
- Work with a shipping company’s small-business specialist. Get in contact with your shipping provider’s small-business specialist. They will be able to help you coordinate various carrier fees and services and match them to your exact shipping requirements. This includes choosing which mode of transportation makes the most sense and ideal delivery timelines.
- Get yourself a postage meter. Saving on shipping costs means knowing all of the specifics related to your deliveries. Accurate package weights and postage charges, as well as being able to print your own package labels, are all advantages that come with using a postage meter.
- Consolidate deliveries when needed. Truckload or container load rates are generally higher when the load isn’t full. Make sure to send off a full shipment whenever possible to save money and time.
- Transportation cost charge-back policies. Ensure your customers fully understand all shipping fee policies that you have in place. If you offer free three-day delivery but the customer wants it overnight, make sure that they know that they will be paying partially or entirely for that rush delivery.
- Keep an eye on your carrier’s work. Maintain records of your carrier’s work and regularly check them. These records should be based on their pickup and delivery times, response to customer service issues, shipper inquires, access to online data, accuracy of that data, as well as appointment and meeting times dependency.
With Multi Storage on your side, business shipping is easier than ever. Contact the self-storage leaders today to find out how they can help you save time and money, as well as help your business grow.